Exodus of Russia (One Steppe at a Time)

This is a codename for my work on introducing a comprehensive Christian worldview to my Russian-speaking compatriots. I started with the articles of Bojidar Marinov, a missionary to his native Bulgaria living in Texas. As I understand it, his works impressed me so much because of his ability to understand two worlds simultaneously: the post-Communist world of Eastern Europe (longing for freedom which only the Gospel can bring to us) and the free world where he lives now. He's not a stranger on both sides of the Iron Curtain, and that's exactly what we need for this kind of work. Last but not least, missionaries to Bulgaria did a good job here in the past – so let's try it again.

My name is Anton Kovalenko, and I'm a layman – neither a missionary nor a minister, not someone who is formally qualified to teach and preach. And I'm not a translator either, just a computer programmer who first had to know English to be able to work, and then relearned it occasionally, during my quest for understanding the Bible.

The most important thing that I came to understand is that in Christian Libertarianism, neither part is optional or accidental. Naturally, I want to spread my understanding, and the work on translations looks like a good start.


Bojidar Marinov

Call for Funds

I will go on with translations as long as I can. These days, even a small donation can have a tremendous impact on the amount of time I can spend on this work in the future.

There are two ways to make a donation:

  • Donate with Payoneer.com (as a shareware seller, I've used it to receive payments for several years without a single problem). Visa and MasterCard are accepted. You enter the amount (up to $1000) and determine who pays the transaction fee.)
  • Donate with Paypal (easy to use if you do have Paypal account already; still possible to use when you don't.)

To my knowledge, it won't be tax-deductible, as I'm not a charity and I'm not going to register anywhere as anything qualified for anything in the future.

I'm going to use all the funds to support myself and my family, buying back the time from computing programming into the work of translation; therefore there will be no detailed report on the use of funds.


We have a lot of work to do. With God's help I'll continue to translate the works of Christian Reformed authors that I deem most relevant for us, starting with more Bojidar Marinov's articles. Latest efforts being more fruitful than earlier ones made me believe that concentrating on articles (not books) is the right thing to focus on.

More elaborate website would be good to have (it will eventually become available at http://exodusofrussia.info). I don't see it as my topmost priority, however. Whenever the migration happens, I'll set up a redirection in such a way that all materials remain reachable by the original URLs, so you may regard current links to my translations as permanent.


Frankly, I don't believe in copyright. I hereby acknowledge that all men are endowed by their Creator with an unalienable right to read, rethink, reproduce, rewrite, reassemble, disassemble all my written material in any form whatsoever, without asking me.

Your conscience and/or your government may require further discussion of this topic with the original author.